(ur. 1983 Leoben/Austria) studiowała na Uniwersytecie Sztuki i Wzornictwa Przemysłowego w Linzu. W swojej praktyce artystycznej zajmuje się szuka performance, projektowaniem scenicznym i fotografią, wykonuje także rzeźby i obiekty. Interesują ją działania w przestrzeni publicznej.
Elisa Andessner was born in 1983 in Leoben/Austria, graduated at Art University Linz in 2009. The main artistical medias of Elisa Andessner are performance, photography and objects. In all of her works she alienates reality, and often works with the topic "the moment before the catastrophy", moments before something happens. Things which give the beholder the feeling that "something is wrong".
In her performances Elisa Andessner often works with slow motion, which causes strange movements and atmosphere. She is fascinated by everyday- movements which turn into weird movements through slowness. She is also interested to use her movements like video- material, rewind, fast- forward, play in slow- motion.